Technical support

A team of engineers and technicians that combines expertise and human resources

Our team of highly qualified engineers and technicians is located across the country to provide you with human and efficient technical support for both voice and data solutions.

At SSP, your performance is a shared concern. As soon as a problem is detected, our entire team is mobilized to solve it as soon as possible.

For us, you are not just another customer. As soon as you contact us, we notify the technician who knows how your system is built.

For any technical support request, please contact us as follows:

Technical Support – Eastern Canada

Telephone: 1 877 693-2535
Fax: 1 866 493-8676

Technical Support – United States and Western Canada

Telephone: 1 888 949-8647
Fax: 1 866 493-8676

We would be glad to assist you via remote service.

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